Week 11 Photograph Outlook

Jobs in the future? 

Photography is expected to grow rapidly in the future. in 2008, Photographers held 152,000 jobs because half were self employed and others had contracts with advertising agencies. I personally think that there will be a huge difference in the future, i think most jobs will be taken since the amount of photographers are increasing day by day.

 What will salaries($) look like?

I think salaries will drop. Salaries have dropped since 2008. Full time photographers have better salaries than commercial photographers. I personally think that salaries will drop in the future because there’s gonna be alot of self employed photographers… and they wont really depend off an agency. Business’s & Agency’s will also pay less since there are many photographers that will be willing to negotiate their work.

What does the future look like for photographers?

There’s obviously gonna be alot of competition, not only for photographers that do commercial advertisement but also for the self photographers with their own business. I think new cameras will come out and maybe alot of photographers might get it which will make their work similar so they’ll have to come up with a way of taking pictures that will make them unique and let everyone know why their work is different.


A) I think the merger in this picture is the part when the shadow or whatever the dark spot in the picture came in and the hill things in the background.. with Mr. Eriksen using the “freeway” example that’s what immediately came into my head.

B)  I think this picture is way better than the first one because it looks like it was taken at a good angle and the shadow think isn’t really merging like in the other picture. It stops like halfway and some of the hill is cropped out which leaves your main focus on the little plant.

Week 8 Abstract Photography

Why I like abstract? I like abstract because it captures your attention. Its a lot different from other types of photography. You can use a variety of speeds to get a good picture or colors. it gives the image a “popping” out effect that leaves you curious on how the picture really is.

Why I don’t like it? I don’t think there’s anything to hate about it. Except that it kinda messes with your vision.

Flower: I think its cool how you can see depth and all like in the flower picture.. it focuses mainly on that flower and its details of the flower because the background looks a bit blurred out/soften.

Hotel: I don’t whats abstract about the hotel picture. Just looks normal to me.. Maybe its abstract because of the point of view we see it from? I don’t know.

Rocks/Mexico: The rock/mexico picture is also really good. it looks like it was taken from a side angle so we can see how deep or where some rocks pop out… just opens up my mind and makes me over think about the picture.

Flag: The other picture that really got my attention was the one with the rain drops in front of the flag, making it look like there’s other little flags inside the drop. Makes it look 3-D.

Week 7 Photo Critique

The name of the photograph is Hindenburg Lakehurst N.J Murray Becker.  The background of the picture seems to me like something is falling out of the sky. The center of interest in this picture is the plane. I don’t think there are many wasted parts in this picture because he didn’t get close enough into the picture to cut stuff off.. The picture adds to the picture cause it shows it wants suppose to land their. You can tell there might of been houses or something. I think the picture is exposed properly because we can get an idea of what happened.. it leaves us curious on why and where it was at.. you can also see people in front so you can tell they weren’t expecting that. I believe this is an emotional picture because there must of been people on that plane/airline.. and it just looks wrecked.. on fire.. falling.. i think it affected the people outside watching. This picture is considered important to america because its part of U.S History. My personal feelings are that this was a complete disaster.. maybe they were in war and something went wrong which led to this plane coming down like that.. sort of sad because i think people must of been killed.

The name of this photograph is “The Kiss of World War II”  taken in 1945 VJ Days Time Square. In the picture it looks like they’re marching or something and maybe they got good news which made the guy kiss her.. The center of interest in this picture is the couple kissing. I don’t believe there are any wasted parts in the picture because the people in the back sort of give me the message that they might of been marching or protesting.. and the buildings give me an idea on where this took place which is time square. The background adds to the picture because it helps you get an idea on whats going on. I think its an emotional picture but in a good way because everyone seemed really happy. I honestly have no idea why this picture is important to america.. I’ve seen people kiss all the time and i really don’t care 😛 . My personal feelings about this picture is that the couple got good news and decided to celebrate by tongue wrestling. 😛

The next picture is titled Migrant Mother Dorothea Lange The Great Depression 1936. The background i see about this picture is a Mother with two kids against her shoulder. The center of interest in this picture is obviously the mom. I think the wasted parts in this picture is the background because i cant really get enough of an idea to see where she is.. or what shes looking at. The background subtracts from this picture because it doesn’t help me in any way. I don’t think it is exposed properly. The only thing i can really get out of this picture is that the woman is alone with the kids and looks worried. It could be an emotional picture due to her husband going to war or something.. Again, I Cant really explain why this picture is important to america. I don’t have enough details. My personal feelings about this picture is that the woman is sad or just got bad news of her husband due to war.

This Photograph is titled ” 1944 Robert Capa  Omaha Beach Normandy France, Journalism”. There’s a man in the picture that is laying down. It is the landing of the American troops.  The center of interest in this picture is a man in war laying in water.. looks like hes waiting on someone specific. The wasted part in this picture is the background because it looks blurry and it doesn’t help me see where they landed. I think the background adds and subtracts from the picture.. it adds by helping me see there’s water. and it subtracts by making it blurry. In a way the picture is exposed properly because you can see the position hes in, the sky, some stuff behind him. I think this picture is emotional because he just landed and is about to go to war maybe? Could be nerve wrecking.. scary.. It is important to america because these are our troops. They fight for the country WE live in. My personal feelings are that the troop is nervous. He’s aware of what hes getting himself into..

The title of this picture is called “Snake River, The Tetons By Ansel Adams” Taken in 1942. I don’t know the exact background on this picture all i know is that Ansel Adams took this picture while employed by The United States. The center of interest in this picture would be the river and the way its shaped that looks like a snake. There’s no wasted parts in this photograph. The background adds to the picture by showing me that there’s mountains around and grass.. stuff like that. I believe the picture is exposed properly because it shows the way it flows and its surroundings. No, I don’t see anything in this picture that might make it emotional. I don’t see why this picture is important to america, maybe could of been a route that troops took. My personal feelings about this picture is that maybe this route was the one that troops took to get to there destination or something..

This Photograph was taken on February 23rd 1945. It’s a picture of the U.S Marines/Navy In Iwo Jima taken by Joe Resenthal.  This picture shows five United States Marines raising the flag in Mount Suribachi during The Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II. The center of interest in this picture is the United states flag being stuck on the ground. There’s no wasted parts in my point of view, i think its a great picture. I think the background definitely adds to the picture because by the view of the ocean and sky you can tell they’re at high levels and above sea. Yes this picture is exposed properly, the main focus is the flag being raised after war. It is an emotional picture because it was significant and hard work for troops to be part of that. This picture is important to America because this flag is ours. its what represents us and because this took place during World War II. My personal feelings toward this picture is that this is one of the main events in history.