Photo Final

Picture 1 : Finals Crop



Picture 2 :



Picture 3 : Finals Altered

fianl 3


Picture 4 : Final Gray Scale



Picture 5 : Finals Red- Eye

finals red eye


Pictures 6 : Finals Pixlr

pixlr fianl


Picture 7 : Finals Critique 

Christmas Best Picture


I think my picture has rule of thirds if you turn it to the side.. in each little square it’d have something interesting to see. I feel like it has some type of balance but then again what really gets your attention about the picture is only on the left side. Yes, This Picture has Selective focus and it is the little ball decoration since it stands out. The picture could have leading lines coming from the ends of the branches leading to the sphere. It has a good amount of lighting since it was taken in a dark place. it is natural lighting. You can only see grouping on the Christmas lights since they’re all gathered up. Does not have a Horizon light. and i have no idea about framing.

Picture 8 : FInals Montage

Finals collage


Leading Lines

leading lines picture


The leading lines in this picture are the corners and edges of the building and the little fence because it all leads to something in the picture. I think it does fit in with the rule of thirds because everything in the picture has something going on. The Only Horizontal Line i see is on the Arch of the building.

Daffodil Questions :

Dafffodil question


I think there is leading lines/ from the tip of the flowers to the top of the building. It could be an example of framing because it makes you think of the Depth of the Building in the Background. Yes it does follow the rule of thirds. And there is Balance in this picture because nothing looks empty and not everything is on one side of the picture but on both.

General Questions :

Who is created a lens factory in Germany that is still in operation?  Carl Zeiss AG

What does a shutter do?  Exposes the film or digital sensor to light projected from the lens of your camera for a given duration. 

Explain what the elements of photography are?

Rule of thirds, Balance, Selective Focus, Lighting, Leading Lines, Grouping, Horizon Line.

Final Best Photo :

Christmas Best Picture


I Honestly think this was my best photo because i got selective focus, Natural Lighting, Balance, Some leading lines, Grouping all in one. i decided to just focus on the sphere but the background makes it all look good.

WK 14PIXLR Editor

Photo 1 : WK 14 Cropped Picture

WK14 Cropped Picture


Photo 2 : WK 14 Exposure Picture

WK 14 Exposure


Photo 3 : WK 14 Solarize Picture

WK 14 Solarize


Photo 4 : WK 14 Sepia Picture

WK 14 Sepia


Photo 5 : Text Picture

WK 14 Text

Photo 6 : Color Balance Picture

Wk 14 Color Balance

Photo 7 : Old Photo

WK 14 Old Picture


Photo 8 : WK 14 HandS Picture

WK 14 HandS

Photo 9 : WK 14 Water Swirl

WK14 Water Swirl


Photo 10 : WK 14 My Choice

WK 14 MY Choice